Hindustan Prime
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Fact Checking Policy



The website www.Hindustanprime.in is run by Hindustan Prime. Hindustan Prime (from now on, “Hindustan Prime” / “We” / “Us” / “Our”) wants you to know that we take great care to make sure the content on our website is correct, which is covered in our fact-checking policy.

Due accuracy in all Our content 

The first feature of utmost significance for every journalistic platform is the establishment of trust among its audience. The establishment and maintenance of trust rely only on the provision of precise, impartial, and equitable reporting. It is imperative that we maintain a steadfast dedication to achieving the highest level of accuracy in all of our information to the fullest degree feasible. The concept of ‘due accuracy’ is characterized by the notion that accuracy must meet both the necessary standard and be satisfying in its core. We evaluate several factors, such as the subject matter, the nature of the material being presented, and the expectations of the audience, in order to ensure accuracy. Our primary objective is to provide news reports that are supported by firsthand accounts from the key individuals involved, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and credibility. In our academic endeavors, we approach assertions with a critical mindset, actively questioning underlying assumptions and challenging established beliefs. We recognize the presence of areas of ambiguity, which persist despite our diligent efforts to address them. Nevertheless, there is a distinction in the level of rigor needed to verify the accuracy of information between soft and hard tales. The sources necessary for a favorable narrative about the activities of a non-governmental organization (NGO) would vary from those needed for an investigative report.

We follow the instructions below to make sure that our information is correct:

We guarantee that every transmission originating from our organization is sourced from a dependable and credible authority, supported by substantial and verified proof. When faced with a dearth of primary sources, it is necessary for us to properly credit the tales to the platform from which they were obtained.

Our goal is to check the truth of any claims, accusations, or facts made by public officials or other people we think have reasons other than just telling the truth about what happened. Hence, we acknowledge and highlight facts, such as assertions or accusations, that we are unable to verify.

We affirm our commitment to the accuracy of the information we post. In the event that contrary evidence emerges, we promptly modify the news item or information to the extent that is practically feasible, and we conscientiously notify our readers of the revisions made to the news item or information.

It is crucial to acknowledge the value of the trust our listeners have placed in us. Hence, it is our sincere commitment to refrain from intentionally disseminating false information and to abstain from manipulating or fabricating data while presenting genuine material. Moreover, in instances where significant factual inaccuracies arise, we openly acknowledge them and promptly address them in a transparent and suitable way.

We have implemented a mechanism on our website called the “Suggest a Correction” section, which allows the general public to report any mistakes or errors they may come across in the reports presented and published on our website. This feature aims to offer a fair chance for anyone to contribute to the accuracy and integrity of the information displayed on our website.

The primary duty of journalists is to gather, compose, and verify news, information, and narratives. Indeed, our narratives undergo rigorous examination across all dimensions, including a comprehensive internal fact-checking process. This strategy entails meticulous due diligence on each item, then additional inspection by one or more of our editors. It is important to make it clear that the order of editors who are in charge of reviewing articles before they go live on the website changes depending on a lot of factors, such as how complicated or sensitive the topic is and how much time is available.

In the event of an accusation, we make it a priority to establish communication with all relevant parties involved. After that, we do an independent check of both the information we are looking at and the information that is being given to us, so that we can be as sure as possible about our conclusions.

Sourcing Information for Our content 

Adherence to established rules optimizes the acquisition of information while ensuring the highest level of accuracy.

It is essential to corroborate all facts by consulting a minimum of two reliable sources.

When there is only one source available, it is possible to determine the reliability of that source by comparing the data to the person’s own statements.

It is advisable to seek documented proof wherever feasible, rather than just depending on human sources.

When conducting a survey, it is incumbent upon us to disclose the methodology used for data collection and the approach taken for data interpretation. In the event that there is a possibility of our data failing to provide correct information, we promptly communicate any discrepancies to the public.

The primary objective is to get precise and reliable information first, rather than disclosing it publicly and thereafter resolving any uncertainties that may arise.

It is important to consistently exert effort by engaging with and documenting conversations with relevant stakeholders about the dissemination of information or news. The omission of a source’s name while using an anonymous source is contingent upon certain conditions. In such cases, it is crucial to devise a strategy that allows readers to get substantial information about these sources, enabling them to evaluate their credibility.

In this discussion, I would like to provide some insights into the topic of sources. Specifically, I will be sharing information on the importance and significance of using sources in academic writing. Our editors, including both editors and reporters, are empowered to evaluate the suitability of a given piece of material for use and choose how it should be used. The dialogue between the reporter and editor should be shown through the use of anonymous quotes.

Engage in concise dialogues with sources on the use of the information they provide, particularly when these sources lack substantial familiarity with media engagement. It is important to provide a clear understanding of a source’s expectations about the treatment of material as “off the record,” “on background,” or other similar statuses, since these phrases might be subject to varying interpretations.

Grant individuals the privilege to provide a reaction to news coverage that potentially presents them in an unfavorable manner and explain to readers the measures used by our organization to solicit a response when sources fail to engage.

Deliberately pursue sources that lack widespread public platforms, as well as ones that possess influence and authority.

In situations where individuals encounter uncertainty or have difficulty making independent decisions, it is advisable to seek guidance from a senior resource or the person responsible for overseeing the newsroom at The Logical Indian. This measure is crucial to prevent the dissemination of inaccurate information to the public.

User-generated content

The creation of material by users has inherent problems. We don’t take the supplied information for granted that it is accurate. Depending on our intended use of the material, we undertake reasonable measures to verify its truthfulness. We demonstrate caution in using material provided by individuals affiliated with advocacy groups or those who have a personal stake in the narrative, as opposed to impartial observers. We guarantee that user-provided content has the proper labeling to identify its source. Furthermore, we adhere to the provided instructions:

The reliability of information sources on the internet may not always align with their perceived accuracy. It may be important to ascertain the identity of the website operator and/or verify the authenticity of the content pertinent to the user by consulting with a person or organization.

Efforts are made to discern verifiable information from unverified claims. This phenomenon is especially evident in, although not limited to, the content disseminated on social media platforms. In this context, distortions can arise either intentionally or unintentionally, leading to the rapid dissemination of errors or rumors among a global audience within a matter of minutes. Conversely, rectifying such misinformation encounters significant challenges in gaining comparable traction and momentum.

Further examination may be required in cases where information obtained from a social media platform or any other online source is used to substantiate a particular claim. Any data that our research team did not collect, we categorized and identified.